In a Relationship with Media

Media is so prevalent in our lives that it isn’t questioned. It’s considered to be just another part of every day life. Just like you don’t stop to think about how much time you spend cooking, you don’t think about how much time you spend consuming media…until now. An average day for me begins with […]

Media Grounded?!

What are you scared of? Some people might say snakes, bugs, being robbed, others the dark, death, or clowns. But being scared of media? I have come to realize in a period of less than 48 hours that one of my biggest fears may be not having access to the world that is of course, […]

History of Media

When Professor Nichols mentioned that our class would be learning about the history of media I quickly lost interest. I have never been interested in history. Learning about historical dates and quotes sparks nothing for me but how many other ways can a doodle my name in my notes. Later when we were told that […]